Our Belief:

They're not going to care what we know...until they know that we care.

We Are...

a diverse community of believers who share their faith, time, and treasure in service to both God and others. A faith family dedicated to loving one another, encouraging and helping one another grow in their relationship with Jesus, and realizing together how much fun it is to do Christianity right. A group of courageous believers that are constantly working to reach those that are hurting and far away from God, both locally and globally. Ready to love and serve YOU!

We Invite You to Visit Us

Worship Services

SundayMornings ~ 10:45 am

Wednesday Evenings ~ 6:30 pm

Connection Groups (All Ages!)

Sunday Mornings ~ 9:45 am

Wednesday (S.W.A.G.) ~ 6:30 pm

7700 16th St. N.

St. Petersburg, FL 33702

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